Saturday, August 9, 2008

August 8, Von Donop Inlet

We left Cameleon harbour this morning about 1030 and hit dent and Yuculta rapids just before slack to slide through without any problems along with dozens and dozens of other boats all headed south with a few headed north.

Weather was warm yesterday and started that way today but right now it has clouded up and is blowing pretty hard inside the inlet where no winds are supposed to be able to reach. It was blowing 25 plus outside when we came in.

We will hold up here for a day or two and enjoy the place.

Now that we are south of all the hazardous passages and big water we can sit back and relax. The only challenge left is to get across the straits of Georgia and after what we have seen and done that should be a piece of cake.

Fish are still winning. Tried again last night, caught two dogfish and a small halibut off the boat at anchor and watched a large salmon jump next to the boat but without a salmon tag we did not throw him any bait.

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