Thursday, August 28, 2008

August 28, 5 days left

Were anchored in Gig Harbor today. Got in last night after a long rund from Port Ludlow on perfect waters. Hardly any breeze until we rounded Southworth and then we ran into 15 knot head winds and a nice chop but prior to that there was hardly a ripple on the water

We stopped at Brownsville for some fuel, they were selling it for the rediculous low price of 4.02 a gallon, wow what a deal.

The two tall ships, Lady Washington and Hawaiian Chief were there and whe we pulled out they were just leaving and were putting up full sail which is quite a sight.

further south we found more evidence of a windy night. Another sail boat driven aground after its anchor drug in the night. Not a good place to be but better than the two fishing boats in Port Ludlow.

The weather is not sounding all that great for the weekend, go figure its a holiday.
We will try to find Glen and Liz today and hook up with them for the evening.

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