Sunday, August 17, 2008

August 17th Pendrell Sound

We left Teakerne Arm and went just a few miles to Squirrel cove on the 15th. Squirrel cove was very crowded, counted 64 boats in the cove with us including Impulsive, Kenny and Cindy Spiker from the club. They are not hard to miss with the two lighted palm trees on their back deck. After a day of kayaking and floating the reversible river that runs in and out of the lagoon in water that measured 75 degrees, we spent the evening on Kenny’s boat enjoying the full moon, clear sky and warm evening, of course with drink in hand.

Liz and Glen headed south to try and make it across the straits of Georgia before the next wind event and make it to a company retirement event that he is somewhat obligated to attend. We will continue south and maybe meet up with them somewhere in south sound just before labor day at Long Branch.

We were going to go to Grace Harbor but we have been there and heard that the water in Pendrell Sound is the warmest anywhere on the coast. Having never been there we went up and discovered a bit of heaven. There is nothing about this place in any of the guide books which is good because if there were it would be even more crowded than we found it. It is hard to set an anchor because the shores are all steep to, dropping to 150 plus feet within a few feet of shore. We had a really tough time setting the anchor, could not get it to set before we were right on the rocks, tried about 5 times at two different spots when we saw the Impulsive and Kenny asked us to raft up to them. They had one of the better spots near the only shallow area and so we dropped anchor next to them and backed in alongside where they were stern tied. I felt a bit better about not getting my anchor set when one of our neighbors mentioned that he has been coming her for years and more than once he has given up and left after being unable to get his anchor to set in the steep rocky bottom.
We ended up having a perfect spot, beautiful view down the sound with a 2000 foot peak rising at the head. The water here was 77 degrees and of course we spent a good part of the afternoon floating in the water before retiring to the back deck and getting to know the Spiker’s a bit better and they us. They were just made official members of the yacht club at the August Colors cruise even though they have been coming to cruises for the last two years and all along we thought they had been members longer than us.

Shrimp report, 0. Yep they won another round.

The sound we are in is a oyster preserve. The water is so warm it is where commercial operations raise oysters and the entire bay is a no wake zone so as not to disturb the operation and of course you cannot pick oysters here and it is a Rock Fish Conservation area so you cannot fish either.

Were going to Prudeaux Haven tonight, then Lund and then probably down Malispina Strait weather permitting to Pender harbor to get ready to cross the Strait of Georgia to the gulf Islands.

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