Friday, August 15, 2008

August 15, Teakerne Arm

The last couple of days have been really tough. The sun has been out, the temperature is in the 70’s and 80’s and yesterday if the thermometer can be trusted it was in the 90’s.
The water is in the 70’s so we have spent the last two day swimming. Yesterday we spent most of the day in the water. This place has a large waterfall that comes out of a lake a short distance inland. We hiked up to the lake with all the other boaters and spent a hour or so swimming in fresh water, then returned and took a shower under the falls before returning to the boat. We even got Sophie in the water a couple of times, not willingly however. The people at the lake thought we were torturing the poor animal.
This place is like Lake Washington on a summer day. There were boats of all kinds in here enjoying the warm water and scenery. There were people skiing behind jet skis, kits on tubes behind inflatable dinghy’s and lots and lots of boats that came in for just the day or to hike up to the lake. We are very definitely back in civilization now, we share our anchorage with lots of other boats and people now.

Today is going to be a repeat of yesterday, sunny and hot.
We left Octopus Islands after two nights there. They are a beautiful but crowded place but there was plenty of room with a stern tie to shore. We paddled around the area by Kayak and did some exploring. Glen and I did some fishing, just outside of the Rock Fish conservation area which means it is closed to all kinds of fishing. We both caught a couple bottom fish for fresh bait for the shrimp pot which we pulled twice and got nothing. The shrimp are even winning the fishing battle now. No shrimp or crab for the last week.

Not sure where we are headed today, probably spend a good portion here and then move down a few miles to Squirrel cove.

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