Tuesday, August 26, 2008

August 26, Port Ludlow

We left Roche Harbor this am about 10 in perfect blue sky and calm wind conditions. The crossing of the straits went perfect on almost flat water all the way with the exception of a few lumps off Lime Kiln Point. The currents there were contrary to wind and out direction but by going further off shore we got out of the back eddie and eventually got a push south bound.

We had a free night of moorage at Port Ludlow that we won at the Mainship Rendevous last year that we thought we would use up so we are here for the night. The weather is changing again and it has started to rain and the wind is picking up.

At Roche we ran into Jim and Marcia Krell on Chinoo again. They arrived shortly after we did after running all the way from Campbell River. In talking to them about the weather it was a good thing we took shelter at Maple Bay and in Tod Inlet. They said the night we were at Maple Bay that they were in 35 knot winds on their anchor and woke up to a dragging anchor. They listened all night as numerous boats called for coast guard assistance and they heard of several boats that went on the rocks during the night. We never felt a ripple all night. Apparently it was not much better the next night when we were in Tod Inlet.

While walking the dog I ran into Gail Stewart, they were also at Roche, docked over on the guest dock after spending a couple nights at the outstation. Never did find Doug.

Weather and wind permitting we will head south tomorrow and maybe grab the illegal anchor bouy out in front of Steves house at Horsehead Bay. Yes Liz they have one of those over the top houses you mentioned in your blog and no you don't want to know what it costs.

And yes, I know it is a four day weekend and I don't have to go back to work till Tuesday but I am still going back with a bad attitude and Tuesday is only a week away.

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