Thursday, August 7, 2008

August 7,2008

We are in lagoon Cove today. We left Potts lagoon about 10 this morning after a pleasant night anchored there. We explored the inner lagoon by kayak and apparently missed at least half of it not realizing how big it was. Interesting place with ruins of an old dam of some sort and tumbled down cabins along the shore.

We got into Lagoon Cove early, good thing because after we arrived a group of half dozen Grand Banks boats arrived and we watched as th obviously inexperienced captains tried docking. It turns out all the boats are two week leased and they are part of the mother goose expeditions. Guided by one experienced boater all the rest come out for a two week period an do a section of the alaska trip. This group is on the final leg home to Bellingham.

No luck with shrimp or crab last night and after two weeks of fishing for salmon I finally realized I do not have a salmon stamp for Candada. Good thing I have not caught any salmon up here.

We will try for Blin channel tomorrow and then head down through Yuculta rapids the next day and spend the rest of the time before Glen and Liz return in Desolation. Might not have any connectivity for a while once we are in desolation.

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