Tuesday, August 19, 2008

August 19th Still in Lund

We decided to stop at Lund due to the predicted high winds for the afternoon. We probably could have made it to Powell River before the picked up but there was no gurantee there would be room there and there are not many other options.
We woke up this am and I decided against a run down for the same reason and the winds if anything were worse this am than they were the day before.
Apparently we made a good choice. We talked to a couple folks who came up from Powell river and they said it was like being in a washing machine and it was worse the day before south of Powell River. So we could have made it but it would have been 40 miles of rough ride and I see no reason to do that right now.

It looks like the weather will get worse before it gets better. Looked at the satellite photo of the weather system and it looks like a lot of clouds out there and one tight low pressure system. Winds up to 35 or 40 predicted or tonight. OH boy.

We are safe in harbor so not to worry. If we get a chance to run south we will but most likely we will be here one more day and shoot for Thursday or even friday when the winds will shift to NW and be behind us. Still forcasting 25 plus MPH winds however for the rest of the week.
10 to 20 MPH winds we can do, 25 to 35 is not so much fun.

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