Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Zip line adventure today. We had a great time. Had to take the bus 20 miles to Sooke but their bus system up here puts anything we have to shame in Washington. The zip line tour lasted about two hours or so. To get to the top they put you in a large all wheel ATV that winds its way up a track, its not worth calling it a road, through the woods. That might be one of the best 4x4 rides I've been on. Their are about 8 zip lines, the longest is 1000 feet. Chris was white knuckled the whole first half of the adventure, simply terrified but she was a trooper and made it all the way down. Of course once you start its pretty hard to quit half way since the landings are all 50 to 150 feet high in the trees and their are no ladders to the ground. Video to follow.

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