Saturday, July 14, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012, 1000 PM, WX report, Chance of Thunderstorms What an understatement! The weather report was for at 1000 pm for the San Juan Islands was for a chance of thunderstorms. We have been sitting in Reid harbor with Steve and Michelle and Jeff and tam watching thunder and lightening for over 4 hours now. It has been an amazing display of mother natures awesome power. Sitting at anchor in calm waters, no rain but lightning bolt after lightning bolt all around us. This is just one of the most amazing storms I have ever watched. Atone point we had sun to the west, rainbows to the east and lightning on North, South and East. Now it’s anywhere you look and every 10 seconds the sky lights up with a brilliant flash of light. The Dog is petrified, we had to drug her she was so scared. Glad I am in a snug anchorage. Saturday, July 14, 2012, Fishing, little catching Today was glorious. After last nights storm we woke up to a beautiful day, some morning clouds but by afternoon it was clear, warm and windless. We left in Jeff’s very fast Grady White (49.3 mph) to go fishing in Canada. But first we all had to run over to Friday Harbor to print off one day fishing licenses. After a balky printer at the lodge we managed to get all of us legal. We sped across Haro Strait into Canada and a secret spot for catching lingcod. Things started out with high hopes. On my first drop to the bottom something big took my lure, yep took it all, it was gone in a flash. 10 seconds later Michelle yelled ‘I got a problem”. She thought she had the bottom but she had a nice sized Ling Cod, which I nearly lost in my rookie attempt to net. At as were reeling up Michelle’s fish, Jeff yells fish on! We had three fish in less than 30 seconds and landed two of them. And that was the sum total of our catching. For the next 4 hours we had 5 poles with lines in the water and other than a few errant rock fish not another Ling was caught. Oh well, any day spent on the water is better than a day in the office. Oh yea, I don’t have an office.

1 comment:

Becky,Mike,;Chloe Fuller said...

Thanks for keeping us posted, i check it everyday! Sounds like u r having a great time, luv ya!