Monday, July 16, 2012

July 15th opening day of crabbing in the San Juan’s We woke up to clouds and rain this morning. What a change from yesterday. Hot without a cloud in the sky to 50 degrees and heavy mist. Put down a couple pots in the bay but no keepers. JJ and James arrived last night and anchored for the first time in their McGreggor sailboat. They survived the night. We had fresh lingcod last night with Steve and Michelle Jeff and Tam. Very good, very fresh since we caught it just hours before. Chris rowed all around the bay while we were off fishing yesterday, she got in a good workout. We pulled anchor about noon, decided to head over to Garrison Bay to do some crabbing before we cross into Canada. The rain stopped but its still cool and cloudy. A few showers all day. Garrison was not too crowded, less than I thought for opening day of crabbing. There are copious numbers of pots in the bay however. Steve and Michelle got lucky and got into the outstation. He needed to pick up water so even though we left before he did and could have grabbed it I wanted to be an anchor another night and really don’t much like Roche because its so busy and so crowded. We got one large 7 inch crab in the pot, hope for more in the morning. 3 pots out, hopefully they are full. Tomorrow we will run into Roche so I can get on line for a conference call with Lokey and company. Once were done with that Chris and I are headed across the boarder for a few days. July 16th Woke up to some fog, warmer how ever after a night of very heavy rain. Ran into Roche for breakfast and the conference call and are headed back to check the crab pots. Fog has burned off and it’s a beautiful day. Will check in when we can find free wifi.

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