Friday, July 27, 2012

Deer Harbor today, brisk wind out of the south but no issues getting into the slip. Friends from way back in scouting are here with friends. they are staying in a nice cabin on shore. Bill Rengstorf and his wife Kathy and their daughter, her husband and their daughter are all here. Met another old friend from the Sheriff's department, Wayne Zinter and his wife Lucy. I have been following his facebook page and knew he was in the area so I gave a blind call on the VHF and he answered right up. They were coming to Friday Harbor for the day so we hooked up and talked for a couple hours about what we've been up to since retiring. He has a 32 Bayliner. Becky and Chloe arrived on schedule on the 1pm ferry and we met mom and dad at the head of the marina dock so they could visit with their great grandaughter for a while. Had fish and chips and then grandma took chloe up to the toy store and bought a bunch of stuff. She never had girls to buy for since she had us three boys so she enjoys the opportunity to spoil Chloe.

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