Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ok, we were up until the wee hours of the morning tracking down the leak. I think we finally found it. The pump for the reverse air was leaking. I was lying on the bedroom floor peering through the small hole I drilled in the floor boards in the aft bedroom when I heard dripping. It took a while but I finally figured out where it was coming from. The reason it was so elusive is it is located in the forward part of the engine room, it was dripping down onto its mounting board and running behind the far starboard stringer then seeping back to the rear of the boat where it finally found its way into the shaft well and then into the keel and the aft bilge pump. I took it apart today and ran into Sydney to see if they have a new O ring but alas no one has one the right size. I also found a cracked hose so now I am hoping it is just the hose and not the O ring cause I can fix the hose, I can't do much about the O ring. we can live without the reverse air until I can find the right O ring. Were sitting in Sydney having lunch, will head back and try to put the boat back together and drop the crab pots to get some value out of the Canadian fishing license.

1 comment:

Becky,Mike,;Chloe Fuller said...

I hope u found it this time! What a pain! Hope u r having some fun when your not leak hunting :)