Monday, August 27, 2012

Well, hard to believe but were home. Two nights ago we were in Nanaimo but it looked like Hurricane Isaac might generate an activation of my FEMA IST so we started home. I decided to get into a position that I could respond if I was activated so we made it to Bedwell harbor yesterday. This morning I woke up at 7 and got a text at 710 telling me that it looked like the White IST was going to be activated so we started the engines and headed south. Went through Customs in Friday Harbor at 9 am, took all of 10 minutes. Had a bit of a current against us going through Cattle pass but by the time we got half way across the straits we were getting pushed and once in Admiralty inlet I was getting a 5 knot push, going at one point 16.1 knots at our standard 2000 RPM which generally gives us 9 to 10 knots. We made it to our dock at 5 pm, just a 10 hour day. At about Kingston got the word however that no activation was going to happen so it was all for naught or so I thought. At about 730 i checked email and saw where FEMA had reserved a bunch of cars in Houston for the white IST. I called headquarters and sure enough, the orders were being cut and we were going after all. So tomorrow morning I am off to Texas and then Louisiana for Hurricane Isaac. Almost a repeat of last year for us as we were activated late in August for Hurricane Irene.

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