Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August 20, 2012 We picked up Sherm and Nancy in Campbell River after running down Discovery Channel against a 7 knot current. Using the back eddies it took no time at all to reach Seymour Narrows, we averaged 9 knots, and it was still running strong. We had no problem challenging the narrows and made out way to the other side gaining another eddie and were in Campbell River by noon. Filled up with fuel, about the same amount as we took on in Friday Harbor but with only 34 hours of cruising, burned a bit more up here with all the currents to deal with. Got a spot in Fisherman’s Wharf, about a third of the price of Discovery Marina. Definitely a working harbor but they were very nice. We did the laundry, on a very hot afternoon and next morning walked about a mile to the grocery to do some shopping. Chris got a hair cut in addition! Sherm and Nancy arrived about 3 pm and we were underway by 5 after a quick snack on the fishing pier of deep fried shrimp. 25 of the buggers for 4 dollars. We stayed in Gowlland Harbor as the currents were really cooking in front of Campbell River and no way were we going to get through Seymour as it was running at 12 knots. Once again, just as before we had difficulty setting the anchor, bouncing along on the bottom. Got it on the second time, about Had a pleasant evening in Gowlland Harbor and took the dinghy the next morning over to April Point Resort where I mailed some business papers home. Sherm needed wine so he and I ran into the town, which is about a mile down from April Point just above the ferry landing. A short ride and a short hike and he had his wine and I had my first paper since leaving home. Nothing changes; the news was about the same as always, depressing. We left Gowlland at 12 pm for a 1 pm slack at Seymour. We got a push all the way through and were in Kanich Bay, Long Inlet by 2. We anchored all the way in the back behind the small island in 15 feet of water; it was like being in a lake. It has a feeling of remoteness, with no sign of development anywhere around and all signs of logging long gone. We kayaked around the bay and then went ashore and hiked the half-mile trail to Waiatt Bay. Left Small Inlet about 1100 to try some fishing before we headed through the upper and Lower Okisollo rapids at 105. On our way through we passed Colliers, Stewarts and Driscoll’s on their way to Thurston Bay. They heard rumors their were fish their. I told them I caught them all, they needed to be their last week. Story of their life they said. Were anchored in the back bay of Octopus Islands, another rocky bottom to anchor to, got it on the third try. Had a large rock stuck on the anchor on the second try so I moved around to the other side and got a good set in 12 feet of water. (Low tide). Sun is out after a cloudy cool and misty day yesterday. Still cloudy but it’s much warmer and drier. August 21, 2012 Had a great night in Octopus Islands, beautiful spot and beautiful night with lots of stars out. We left at slack tide, about 1230 and headed off through hole in the wall with our destination Tekerne Arm. We found a spot just to the north of the dinghy dock, which is totally destroyed by a wind storm in March. We are just a few feet off the rock wall on our port side, a bit close for chris’s comfort but were in 30 plus feet of water so we should be fine as long as the wind does not blow hard tonight but were pretty well protected by rock walls on three sides. We hiked up to the lake to swim, well Sherm and I swam and so did Sophie. She was running around on the rocks all excited about something when she suddenly looked over the edge of a 30 foot rock edge and slipped. She proceeded to slide head first for about 10 feet then got turned around on her belly and slid another 20 feet right into the lake, luckily for her the rock was as smooth as it could be for the entire 20 feet of her slide and there was a young girl right their to catch her and keep her head above water. I swam over and treaded water while she struggled over to a spot where she could claw her way out. She was quite startled by the whole event. Chris was panic stricken but all turned out well and she was just wet, not hurt.

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