Saturday, August 18, 2012

August 18, 2012 Were in Campbell River waiting for Sherm and Nancy to join us this afternoon. Doing shopping and laundry. We left Shoal Bay on the 16th and went exploring down Frederick Arm. We were surrounded by a school of Porpoise then stopped to watch a small pod of Killer Whales swim by in Nodales Channel. We stayed at Handfield Bay, stern tied to the small island just like the book says. Another boater cruised over and asked if I was going to be ok in that spot, he thought it was kind of shallow but I told him I had 18 feet of water under my keel and low tide was only going to loose 8 of that so I figured I was fine. I was, had plenty of water in the morning when we left and would have been fine at even a lower tide. We used the back eddies against the strong 7 knot Ebb current to reach Seymour Narrows about 30 minutes before slack, it was a big tide with lots of current but we averaged 9 knots using the back eddies while others in the main channel looked like they were moving backwards. We had two porpoise join us for several miles swimming in our bow wave and then surfing our wake behind us. It was great fun to watch. Weather is still amazing, very warm, lots of sun and forecast is for more of the same.

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