Saturday, August 25, 2012

August 25th Headed for Nanaimo. Stayed in Buccaneer Bay last night, very pretty anchorage, pretty exposed to a South wind but in settled weather a great spot. Cruised down from Grace Harbor, Smuggler cove was full up so we crossed over and found a spot just off the sand beach. Dropped Sherm and Nancy off in Campbell river on the 22nd, stayed at Fisherman's Wharf again, good inexpensive spot, friendly marina staff. Picked up a new kitchen faucett and got it installed, Yesterday or the day before was our anniversary, 38 years give or take a day. Chris thinks its the 23rd, I think its the 24th, will have to check it out again when we get home. Neither one of us really knows for sure. Heard Noon Baloon calling on the VHF when we were leaving Campbell River. He was supposed to be up north so I called him. He was headed south because Lenore burned her leg when a pot of hot water spilled off the stove. Hope it was not the broken foot side! Nothing worse than a burn, especially out here. Talked to Linda Collier yesterday, they, Stewarts and Driscolls are headed south as well, they were headed for Tribune Bay for the night, should see them in Nanaimo today. Assoon as Sherm and Nancy left the weather warmed up again. While they were here it was cool, gray and cloudy, go figure. Right now were crossing the straits of Georgia, visibility 15 plus miles, light wind, 1 foot chop and quite warm. Same yesterday. Last night was an amazing display of luminescence in the water. I got up to check depthand their were streaks of light all around the boat. Small fish swimming were lighting up the water. Chris and I were up for over an hour just watching the show. My fishing line and lure got everything excited and moving, just an amazing light show, probably the best I have ever seen it.

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