Thursday, August 9, 2012

Made th run up the straits of Georgia to north end of Denman Island, anchored in Henry Bay next to Sandy Island Marine Park. Beautiful place, staying for a second night. Jim and Cheryl and Gary and Lenore are here as well. Nat and Linda had to leave this morning for Campbell River to replace a fresh water pump. Doug and Gail left early for Gail's Reunion of Ocean Falls residents in Campbell river. Were going to hang out in the Desolation Sound area, Sherm and Nancy will join us on the 18th in Campbell river instead of Port McNeil. were going to hang out south instead of trying to run that far this year, winds have been consistently strong in Johnstone Strait and 10 days is just not enough time to do the Broughtons justice. Were having a great time hanging out and doing not much of anything but enjoying the weather and the world around us. It's nearly noon and I wonder where the time has gone. Getting ready to go exploring by Dingy. Tomorrow I think we will try Comox a whole 5 miles north of us as we have never been in there before. Try someplace new. I think we will run up to Princess Louisa on the way home at the end of the month, as we have not been there for years.

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