Saturday, May 24, 2008

May 24, Alaska

We did it! We are in Alaska.
We decided last night that we would poke our noses out into Dixon Entrance despite the ominous warnings from a local fisherman who told us that we would get our butts kicked if we headed out. He said that with gale outflow winds from Portland Canal we should sit tight and not go.
Several other recreational boaters were going to give it a go and we thought the inside route would be ok and if we could not scoot across Portland Canal we would hole up at Port Simpson.

We woke up to beautiful blue sky and no wind at Prince Rupert but the weather reporting stations and forcast were reporting 30 plus mph NE winds in the Portland Canal area. We heard a couple other boats talking on the VHF radio and they said it was pretty ugly out there but what the heck, we gotta go see for ourselves.

Yep, the local was right, we were going to get our butts kicked if we went the outside route. I gave Glen the choice, inside our outside and he chose outside, go figure. After about 10 minutes in 5 or 6 foot confused seas I called Glen and suggested we alter course for the inside route, cause three hours of taking white water over the top of the boat was not something Chris or Sophie were going to take real well. He quickly agreed and it took us about 45 minutes to work our way out of the big water and to the sheltered inside route. The wind contined to blow but we were now sheltered and were able to get up past Port Simpson and looked out across Portland Canal. It was slack tide now and the three miles across the canal seemed reaonable so we increased speed and shot across without any problem. Once across we decided to just keep going rather than stop for the day since it was so early. This was the earliest we have started yet so we had all day to get the 90 miles to Ketchikan. The rest of the crossing was rough, 2 or 3 foot seas and I took a lot of spray over the top and the boat is covered in salt now but it was not an uncomfortable crossing especially with the beautiful blue sky and snow covered mountains.

We are sitting in Ketchikan waiting for customs to come down and clear us. they are a bit busy today and there are only two of them so we wait. They are very appologetic for making us wait but what else can you do.

Were checked through customs, not a problem. Very nice lady checked our papers and were done. Did not even come on board.

Off to see town. will post more later tonight.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tom & Chris,
Wow your trip sounds great and congrats on making it all the to Alaska. Please keep up the great posts.

Katiedawn Leacy said...

OK so I have a board that is tracking your tip, I post the latest blog, and any photos you post. When I posted this one the reaction I got was "who is this guy with Chris...." Tom it may be time to shave.