Friday, May 23, 2008

July 21, Prince Rupert

We made it! We are back in Canada and across Dixon Entrance. It was still lumpy with reported 7 foot seas according to the weather bouys for west Dixon Entrance. If these were 7 footers yesterdays were 10 to 12 footers. Good thing we turned back yesteday, the wind really picked up later and even though we were in a perfectly protected anchorage we felt the force of the wind there. We even saw a water spout at the end of the bay.
A couple of fishing boats came in and tied up at the float with us late last night and we invited the two brothers who were running them over for ice cream and fruit topping for dessert after they graciously gave Nancy two good sized salmon, they were feeling sorry for us I think after hearing our fishing stories.
They had been gill netting at the entrance when we entered the bay at about 130 and they told us the wind just kept getting stronger and stronger where they were until the were certain it was blowing a steady 50 mph at the head of the inlet. They said it would have been really difficult out in Dixon Entrance in these conditions and thought it was one of the worst unpredicted storms of the season.
We had a great time with them as they told us about their lives on Annette Island living in Metlakatla. Their entire family of five brothers and their father are all fishermen. One of them has a house in Spanaway and both graduated from Bothell high school but they moved back to Metlakatla to fish as it is still a lucrative living and they love it.
We left Annette Bay at 630 this morning to take advantage of the break in the weather and had a reasonably decent crossing. Even Liz did not get sick though she fell asleep part way across which is the best defense against seasickness.
It was about 3 hours of big water and 5 hours of reasonably calm water to get to Prince Rupert. The boat and the crew all did well and were sitting here at the Prince Rupert Yacht Club in the sun enjoying its warmth. The forcast is for good weather for the next couple of days.

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