Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 15th

What a glorious Day! Sun and virtually no wind all day today and we cruised through some of the greatest scenery imaginable.

Tonight we are sitting in Sullivan Bay enjoying the sun. We are the only boats here tonight but they have had about 14 other boats come through this week headed for Alaska.

Sullivan Bay is a unique place. The entire community is floating on the bay. The docks have street names like Hootchie Lane and Halibut Heights. One of the homes here has a helicopter landing pad on the roof top. Most of the floating houses are summer homes. Later this place will be packed with boats.

Were possibly going to try the straits tomorrow but I have my doubts about how far we will get. If the waves are too big we will take shelter in Blunden Harbor or Allison Harbor or Miles Inlet. Right now the West Sea Otter Bouy is reporting 3 meter swells. Everyone we have talked to suggests not going until the West Sea Otter Bouy is reporting only a meter and a half swell.

We shall see, it could be interesting. The wind is supposed to be calm tomorrow and building again with another frontal system approaching 9 foot swells without wind is one thing, but 9 foot swells with wind is not something I care to try.


John and Daleen said...

Hi Tom & Chris:
We have been talking with Liz & Glen following your trick on the web. Hope to be under way next week. Tnx for the wx info.
We will maintain a dual watch on 16 & 72 Will keep an ear open for you. :~)

John & Daleen
S/V Omega (
WCQ 3298

John and Daleen said...

"Going Around" Cape Caution Calmly: It is all in the timing!
1. Are strong westerly winds predicted for the day we want to go? Yes = we do not go. Period.
2. Has there been bad weather offshore with seas 2 - 3 meters or more in the last 2 days?
IF YES: We wait another day, (or two if we can).
3. What's the West Sea Otter buoy report? We don't go if it's anything more than 1 meter. (See Waggoner, p. 301.)
4. When is Low Tide at Egg Island?
5. At our speed (about 6 1/2 kts), what time do we need to leave? We want to ride the ebb out to a point at least 1 mi. West of Egg, enjoy the slack between tides as we go around Egg, and then get a boost from the flood tide headed in.
6. Why go out so far offshore? Because (check the charts or a satellite picture) there is less shoaling, therefore the waves aren't as high and the swells are kinder. We have a full displacement boat, sailboats; do not need to take this into as much of consideration. If we have paid attention to Steps 1 through 5, it's probably going to be a glassy day anyhow.
7. Keep watch. There is an amazing number of logs, flotsam and jetsam in that Sound, no matter how far "away from it all" you may feel.
8. We have never gone around Cape Caution without radar and GPS plotter in good working condition, no matter how clear it was when we started out.

Capt. John
S/v Omega

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Don Whatmore said...

Hi Guys;
Yes, the float house next to the one with the Helicopter is Don Filer of Elliot Bay Marina. Nice place. I watched him clean Salmon on his concrete Patio. The "Emerald 1" was moored two docks over.
Don & Carolyn

Don Whatmore said...

Hi to you all;
I just wrote a long Comment to Glen and I hit a something wrong at the botton and it all went away. Everything looks good on your Adventure and we are holding down the Seattle home fort. Been working on our PH Cruise and all is well. We have about 72 People so far. Your writings are more interesting. We miss you already, however we will keep up on your Stories.
Don & Carolyn