Monday, May 12, 2008

Copeland Islands, day 7

We left Pender harbor and immediately ran into pretty rough water. 2 foot rollers were comming from the SW off the straits and for about two hours we had a quartering sea. The boat actually did quite well and I was pleased with the way it handled.
It calmed down a bit just befor Powell River.
Were sitting in a little cove in the copeland Islands, stern tied and anchored. Suprisingly I have connection to the internet here. Good thing no one was around to see the stern tie rodeo. Got the anchor down after scouting the cove with the dinghy to make sure there wer no rocks. The water is not as clear as I remember it so seeing the submerged rocks is a bit more difficult and I would rather use the brail method with the dinghy than with the mainship. After dropping the anchor I tried to go ashore and at low tide the rocks are covered with slippery seaweed which made the footing exciting to say the least. On top of that I had on the wrong shoes but I made it and only got one foot slightly wet.
Were well protected from the SE which is where the confounded weather report says the strong winds are predicted to blow. It appears they are correct today because the wind has been blowing steady out of the SE. But were supposed to be moving into better weather later this week, lets hope so because right now it is grey and looks like rain.
I dropped the shrimp pot over and after I finish this will drop a crab pot down for the heck of it.
Prepping the shrimp pot was another circus. The 400 feet of line became 4o0 feet of tangled line that only got worse the harder we tried to untangle it. After about 40 minutes we managed to pile it into the bow of the dinghy and I found a deep spot to put it just outside of the cove. Hopefully we have fresh shrimp tomorrow. Good thing there was no locals around to watch the flatlanders try their hand at shrimping. They would have had a good laugh.


sunied said...

Your shrimp adventure sounds like Gil & Diane crabbing. Sounds like a fun time and thanks for the great pictures. KEEP THEM COMING.

Gil & Diane Fetzner

Katiedawn Leacy said...
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Debbie said...

How are my Copeland sea critters? I'm with you in thoughts as you cruise through Desolation Sound. Keep the stories coming! Can't wait for July.

Paul Savage said...

Great to see you are on the inland passage cruise. Beautiful pics and hope you do no have to duck/run too much - good fishing/crabbing/shrimping.
Will update the crew on your progress/fun.