Friday, July 9, 2010

Vacation at last

Were a day late but were finally on the boat and heading north. Chris needed a Chloe fix so yesterday was her day with our grandaughter and that put her a day behind getting ready. I needed to do some maintenance on the boat so all in all it worked out. It took all day friday to get ready, finish the mainenance and get underway but we made it and all is good. My truck decided to act up however, somehow it jumped into four wheel low and will not come out. Try driving at freeway speeds in 4x4 low, it does not work well. We will figure that out when we get home.

I dropped a crab pot down outside of the harbor here at Kingston, A friend caught about 20 here last weekend so hopefully we will have a few to start the trip off with. It will be the only time we get to crab before crossing into BC. Were hoping that we can scoot across the straights tomorrow before the predicted winds pick up later tomorrow evening. Weather is changing and with it comes small craft warnings in the straits.
Get up early tomorrow and ride the outgoing tide north till noon then cross the straits on the incomming tide so if the wind does pick up it won't be quite as rough as it could be, at least in theory.

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