Saturday, July 31, 2010

Roche Harbor

Another near perfrect day. A bit cooler today, fog rolling in over Mosquito Pass but I just spoke to Fran who is in the middle of the straits and she says no wind and no fog yet.

tomorrow I am planning on fog across the straits.

Five crab yesterday, but still no monsters. Others are comming back with mutant crabs in their pots, large monsters that make mine look anemic. Nothing in the pots this morning. Will try again at Garrison for a bit.

Were going to head over to Garrison and wander around the British Camp reinactment event over there.

Tonight the Club officers get to partidipaqte in the Roche Harbor Colors cerimony then we finish our terms by jumping off the pier into the bay next to the fuel dock.

Pete arrived late last night with a full batch of monkey milk and the viking helmet. after several milks the helmet possession passed to me with a few modifications since I last had it. Been double dog dared to jump tonight wearing the helmet so I guess I will have to do that, photos to follow I am sure.

Will be home tomorrow afternoon if all goes well and the weather cooperates.

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