Friday, July 23, 2010


We spent last night in Todd Inlett behind Buchart Gardens. Took Becky and Chloe in the back way and wandered around for several hours and had a great time. chloe ran all over the place, rode the carousel and on my shoulders for a large portion of the tour. She has taken to her life jacket quite nicely, hardly complains when it goes on.
Were sitting in Chemainus right now, it is quite warm today, very little breeze. When it cools off a bit we will wander in to town. We dropped a couple crab pots down so hopefully we have some fresh crab tonight. We just picked up our canadian license the other day so the whole time we have been in BC we have been crabless.
Watched a sailboat try to demast itself today when it snagged its rigging in the bow spit and anchor of a 47 bayliner sitting next to us. that is about the only excitement so far on this trip, pretty uneventful so far.
Fran, you and Jeff will enjoy this up here, the breezes have been pretty constant every afternoon up to about 20 mph.

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