Sunday, July 11, 2010

Stewart Island, Prevost Harbor

We left Hunter bay, about 10 and cruised slowly past Spencer Spit and up to Rosario resort. Neither one of us has been there since we were kids so we thought we would stop and see what changes have occured with the new owners who just opened it up again this year. We grabbed one of the bouys and dinghy'd in, not much is different. Same beautiful grounds and great views. It is a great spot to stop with kids, a pool and a great wide open grassy field to play in just above the marina. We ate lunch at the restaurant just above the marina and then headed out for Stewart Island. The forcast is for heavy winds tonight so we decided to find a snug harbor to hang out in. Prevost had a spot available on the linier mooring line so we grabbed it even though there is plenty of room to anchor. As predicted the wind came up about 10pm and is blowing 15 to 20 right out of the south east, and were relatively seltered from that direction so I can only imagine what its like in a south facing bay tonight.
We may hang around in the San Juans rather than cross over to BC and wait for crabbing to open up. First day of crabbing in Garrison Bay should be pretty good. we could stock up and not have to worry about buying a BC fishing license.

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