Tuesday, July 8, 2014

We made it to Nanaimo on the 6th and breezed thru customs.  met up with Fran and Jeff and then Kenny Spiker and cyndie came in and tied across the dock from us.  they came all the way from Seattle in 12 hours.
We're at Gorge Harbor today a after an uneventful crossing of the Straits go Georgia.  Stayed at Henrey Bay on north end of Denman Is last night. Sunny and warm enough to go swimming.  Fran And Jeff were with us and we took them on a tour of the tide flats and sandy spit.
Love this place.
Limited connectivity up here So no photos to send yet.  Will post a bunch later.
On thru Dent rapids tomorrow and Shoal Bay or Forward Harbor tomorrow. Then were in the Broughtons our destination.  Will meet up with Fran and Jeff again the following day.  They are going via Seymour Narrows and have to be In Port McNeil on the 10th.

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