Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Port McNeil

We're in Port McNeil today, resumptionly and laundry while Jeff gets a blood draw.
Last night we stayed in double Bay on Hanson Island.  Very nice spot, just a bit exposed to weather and wind.
Lots of fog every morning for the last 5 days.  But sun In the afternoon.
First cast yesterday and I had a pink on but I lost him. Caught another later on but no real action.  Tried various options but nothing biting.  Others are catching big kings and coho but not us.
We will keep trying
Spent two nights anchored behind Bond island, I ran into Done Workin there and talked to Gary and Jan for a while.
We went out exploring in No Debt and watched a half dozen eagles as other fished over a school of herring.  Saw porpoise, seals, visited I an old abandoned First Nations village then went out into Blackfish Sound where a gray whale promptly surfaced 100 feet away.

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