Saturday, July 5, 2014

Arrived in Friday Harbor on the 4th and got a side tie on the outside of the outer breakwater, the only available spot, a bit exposed to boat waves but a Perfect spot for viewing the fireworks in the bay.
Decided to stay a second night and take dinner to my parents before we head north.  While away from the boat some but head came by leaving a huge wake that really rocked us according to witnesses.  Bad enough that our 17 foot fishing boat No Debt, tied alongside did a couple thousand dollars in damage to the fiberglass on the big boat as it bounced against the side of the big boat.  The fenders that were there got bounced up and into the little boat so they did no good to keep the two boats apart.  Unfortunately no one saw the boat that caused the extreme wave so no recourse for repairs,  looks really bad but nothing that will affect the trip just my attitude.  Cannot believe anyone with any sense would leave a wake like that inside a harbor.idiots.

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