Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Port McNeil

We're in Port McNeil today, resumptionly and laundry while Jeff gets a blood draw.
Last night we stayed in double Bay on Hanson Island.  Very nice spot, just a bit exposed to weather and wind.
Lots of fog every morning for the last 5 days.  But sun In the afternoon.
First cast yesterday and I had a pink on but I lost him. Caught another later on but no real action.  Tried various options but nothing biting.  Others are catching big kings and coho but not us.
We will keep trying
Spent two nights anchored behind Bond island, I ran into Done Workin there and talked to Gary and Jan for a while.
We went out exploring in No Debt and watched a half dozen eagles as other fished over a school of herring.  Saw porpoise, seals, visited I an old abandoned First Nations village then went out into Blackfish Sound where a gray whale promptly surfaced 100 feet away.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

We made it to Nanaimo on the 6th and breezed thru customs.  met up with Fran and Jeff and then Kenny Spiker and cyndie came in and tied across the dock from us.  they came all the way from Seattle in 12 hours.
We're at Gorge Harbor today a after an uneventful crossing of the Straits go Georgia.  Stayed at Henrey Bay on north end of Denman Is last night. Sunny and warm enough to go swimming.  Fran And Jeff were with us and we took them on a tour of the tide flats and sandy spit.
Love this place.
Limited connectivity up here So no photos to send yet.  Will post a bunch later.
On thru Dent rapids tomorrow and Shoal Bay or Forward Harbor tomorrow. Then were in the Broughtons our destination.  Will meet up with Fran and Jeff again the following day.  They are going via Seymour Narrows and have to be In Port McNeil on the 10th.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Arrived in Friday Harbor on the 4th and got a side tie on the outside of the outer breakwater, the only available spot, a bit exposed to boat waves but a Perfect spot for viewing the fireworks in the bay.
Decided to stay a second night and take dinner to my parents before we head north.  While away from the boat some but head came by leaving a huge wake that really rocked us according to witnesses.  Bad enough that our 17 foot fishing boat No Debt, tied alongside did a couple thousand dollars in damage to the fiberglass on the big boat as it bounced against the side of the big boat.  The fenders that were there got bounced up and into the little boat so they did no good to keep the two boats apart.  Unfortunately no one saw the boat that caused the extreme wave so no recourse for repairs,  looks really bad but nothing that will affect the trip just my attitude.  Cannot believe anyone with any sense would leave a wake like that inside a harbor.idiots.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The voyage begins

July 3, 2014
We came down to the boat last night with another full load of stuff.  That's three trips with full loads of stuff.  Freezer is full, refer not.  Chris is going shopping this morning for fresh vegies and fruit.  I need to wash down the boat one final time and run over and fill the gas cans for the dinghy.
We're floating pretty low, not as bad as the Alaska journey last year.  We were in Juneau Alaska last 4th of July.
We have 5 vessels on the big boat.  2 kayaks, a rowing sailing dinghy, the inflatable RIB and the fishing boat were towing.  Lots of toys, we look like a circus caravan.
We will be in Poulsbo tonight with RHYC for the fireworks display, usually a good show.  Then off to Friday Harbor where I hope we can find a spot to anchor for their fireworks show.  The docks will be full.