Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday, May 9

Port McNeil
We made it through Johnstone Strait.  When they are forecasting gale force winds in Johnstone Strait believe them and don’t go.  Not sure what the rush was but we went when we should have went back to Shoal Bay and played for a day.  Got the shit kicked out of us in the straits.  Made it as far as Blankenship Bay and Glen said, nope, not worth it.  When Glen says not worth it that means something.  We hunkered down for an hour there in the lee of the land and waited for the turn of the tide hoping the waves would stand down a bit.  Nope.  We tried for another couple miles and Steve and Michelle and Chris and I decided to stop at Port Neville while Glen and Willard continued on.  It sounded horrible.  We were taking waves up to the bow spit, none over it while the others all buried their bows several times.  We found a spot on the dock at Port Neville with Steve, he took the dock and we side tied.  Windy all night, 25 plus at the dock from the side but no waves to worry about. Pete stayed in Blankenship and had an uncomfortable night rockin and rollin but secure on the hook.  It is a good spot to hole up if need be but Port Neville is better   Better yet, don’t go.  We woke up to light winds, sun and a calm Johnstone strait.  Everyone went, even the big boys were out there today, funny nothing was out there yesterday but us, HMMMMM?

We cruised through the Broughtons on a beautiful sunny day, just an amazingly pretty place.  On to McNeil for fuel (327 gallons added to the 100 at Blind Channel and were doing good, 1 mile to the gallon is what were averaging.  Averaging 9 mph, sometimes faster with the current or when we need to get or slower when working against the current.

I need a new antennae for No Debt and Pete needs new batteries.  Good place to fix those last minute issues discovered on the cruise up here.  Weather looks good for crossing Queen Charlotte Strait in the next day or two, calm winds for the next three days. 
Don’t need another beating like yesterday and Chris would not like me much as she was not happy with that mother’s day present.
So far multiple Eagle sightings, a couple Orcas, a gray whale, several porpoise, a couple otters and Fran saw a Grizzly the other night. 

Could be a couple more days before we post again as we will be headed into far remote regions of BC with limited coverage. 

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