Saturday, May 21, 2016

May 20, 2016
We are in Prince Rupert.  Weather so far has been amazing.  Lots of sun and blue sky, but lots of wind as well.  Gale force winds forecast for Dixon Entrance for the next three days.  We dallied in Grenville channel instead of racing to PR to wait.
After getting the steering fixed we took a 50 mile side trip to Eucott Hot springs and then Ocean Falls.  Two really great spots.  Crab and shrimp every night. 
From Ocean falls it was back to Shearwater to top off my fuel tanks for the trip to Ketchikan. 
Stops along the way were at Tom Bay where I got a pot load of Shrimp and several nice size crab while Pete put his pot down next to me and no shrimp at all?
From Tom bay we cruised up to Khutze where the weather changed to cold and wet.  Still very little wind.
More crab and shrimp
Khutze to Bishop Hot springs for another dip in scalding hot water.  The ramp to shore is gone so getting there was a bit of a challenge. Sun came back out and warmed up again.
Bishop hot springs to Lowe Inlet where we sighted a very healthy black bear grazing behind us for several hours. 
From Lowe we headed to Kumealon inlet where there was another lagoon to play in, more crab and more shrimp.

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