Sunday, July 20, 2008

July 20, Ketchikan 5 miles south

Well, we found out what Dixon entrance is like in wind. Yikes! We turned back at the north end of Mary Island . Reported winds were only 15 but it looked like 30 or 40. We were still in the lee of Mary and Duke Island so we thought it best to head for Kah Shanks Cove instead of Foggy Bay. It was only another few minutes and it was clear that we were not going to make even Kah Shanks taking water all the way over the top of the fly brindge. We turned back so the waves and wind were astern and headed for the nearest cove, Moth bay but when we got there it was quite obvious that there was not enough protection in the cove from the south winds and they were supposed to get even stronger as the afternoon went on.

We found shelter behind Bold Island as we headed north and we agreed that the best opition now was to head to Anette Bay which was well sheltered from south east winds. unfortunately it is only 5 miles south of our starting point in Ketchikan and we travelled about 20 miles to get there.

Hopefully tomorrow we will have lower winds and will give it a try one more time because the reports for later in the week are about the same as for today, higher winds. It is still raining

We found a large dock floating in the end of Annette bay that we tied to. Were the only boats here. At the end of the bay there is an abandoned military base. It looks like a prison camp without fences. Signs say it is the Task Force Alaskan Hiway. It appears to be a base camp for an engineering battalion of navy seabees and army engineers. It looks like it was recently used with tended gardens and fresh tire tracks yet everything looks like it has been boarded up for years.

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