Saturday, July 26, 2008

July 25, 2008

Were sitting in Oliver Cove Provincial Marine Park off Reid Passage which is just north of Shearwater. We had a relatively short run from Meyers Passage today because we got a late start. We decided to go exploring by dinghy, just a short 20 mile excursion to the end of Alexander inlet. We figured not too many people ever venture to the far end because it is the middle of nowhere but when we got there, two boats were anchored there. Nice place but it is well off the beaten path.

Yes that is a bent propeller and shaft stuck in the rock in front of the sign. Warning, rocks win when you run over them.

The gale force winds never materialized that was predicted. We had a perfectly calm evening and it did not start clouding up till much later today and right now it is raining. We came back down via moss passage which took us into Milbank Sound where the rollers were getting bigger by the minute. Somewhere out there the wind is kicking up and causing these big waves. This was not Liz water and she was not feeling well, skipping dinner after less than 20 minutes in them. I was even getting a bit queasy so were happy that were sitting here safe in the anchorage. Right now just outside of our anchorage, the rollers are breaking on the rocks in big white plumes of froth and spray. Hopefully they die down a bit by tomorrow so we can sneak across Seaforth Channel and into Shearwater without too much rocking and rolling.

I went exploring in the dinghy after taking Sophie for her walk and found a black bear lying in the grass in a small cove just out of sight of the big boats. We were in the dinghy about 50 feet away and the bear showed little or now interest in us until Sophie spotted the bear and started barking. The bear got up and slowly walked towards the trees stopping to check us out several times before disappearing into the woods. Unlike the brown and grizzly’s we saw that ran the minute the saw us, this one was in no hurry to get away.

I went back after dinner with Chris, Sherm and Nancy to see if the bear had come back but no such luck.

We are going to try and get into position to run across Queen Charlotte Strait on Sunday. That means we need to be at Fury Cove tomorrow night. It sounds like our window for good weather for crossing is just one day with high winds forecast later in the week.

tough life

perfect morning in Monckton Cove

Calm before the storm, outside route

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