Friday, April 22, 2016

less than a week

So were getting close to shoving off for the third time, Cruising to Alaska on Miner's Debt.
We have repaired the hull damage from 8 years of wear and tear, painted the bottom, cleaned the fuel tanks, changed filters, replaced the refrigerator and freezer and cleaned it of it's winter grime, repainted No Debt the fishing boat and replaced the motor and had the inflatable repaired.  I have made multiple trips to load supplies and food, top off the fuel and check out all systems and were almost there.  We will head north with River to visit my folks in Friday Harbor.  I teach a SAR class for San Juan County Sat and Sunday next week.  Becky and Chloe will join us by ferryboat to see the folks then head home with River.  We join the rest of the flotilla heading north on Monday the 2nd.  We should take about three weeks to reach Ketchikan.  Hoping for blue sky and fair winds and abundant fish, shrimp and crab. 

1 comment:

Becky,Mike,;Chloe Fuller said...

We r ready to follow your blog and live vicariously through u!😊