Saturday, August 31, 2013

8/22 & 23/13
Got the last slot on the breakwater at Nanaimo YC after an uneventful transit of the Straits of Georgia.  That's Georgia, Queen Charlotte, Johnston and Dixon plus Yuklata, Dent, Green Point, Whirlpool rapids, all behind us without any drama or excitement.  All that is left is Dodd Narrows and Juan De Fuca.  Really an amazing run of great weather and near perfect conditions for crossing some really big and potentially scary waters.  The only issues were fog and with AIS, Radar and GPS Fog is not a huge concern. 
We had dinner last night at the Dinghy Dock Pub with Pete and Linda, our last night together.  They are headed home and were hanging out for a couple more days. 
Chris and Linda walked the town yesterday and I worked on some small projects that I had planned on doing sometime during this trip.  It just took me till now to find the time. 
Weather has been very summerish.  Hot during the day with warm evenings. Fortunately there has been a good breeze to keep it comfortable.  
Should have dropped the crab pot off the NYC dock.  This morning they were pulling decent sized crab up after only 30 minutes of soaking.  Will try it next time were there.
If your not familiar with Nanaimo use caution transiting the channel, there is a well known boat eating reef called Oregon Rock in the center of the channel just west of the NYC docks.  Stay in the marked channel between the green markers and the Island.   They have now put red marker buoys next to the island so it is much easier to identify which side of the green markers you should be on.  (Between the red and Green regardless of the direction of travel.)
We were in the channel southbound with the green on our starboard and had a 30-foot sailboat headed right for us on our side of the channel.  There was no traffic around him that would have prevented him from moving right in the channel so we could pass port to port.  I was just five feet off the day marker and he was giving me no room to move away, I finally had to turn hard left in front of him to avoid clipping the day marker with No Debt which tows wide to the left.  I missed destroying No Debt by just inches then swerved back left to avoid the sailboat, which never varied his course an inch.  I passed him port to port with 10 feet to spare.  I yelled at him as he went by, Nicely, telling him next time to try giving me a little more room, and he looked up and said, Oh, OK!  Like he had not a clue that I was even there or that I had restricted room to maneuver.  Clueless Idiot # 3!
We departed this morning at 1100 to catch slack current at Dodd by 1230.  We were there in plenty of time and swept through on a 3 knot current. 
Will probably stop at Montague Harbor tonight.  Then head in to Friday Harbor on the 24th.
It’s our 39th Anniversary today.  

Stopped at Montague Harbor yesterday and dropped anchor since all the mooring buoy's were taken.  Spent a quiet evening reading and exploring the harbor.  

8/25 &26/13
Friday Harbor.  Grabbed a spot on the outer breakwater, no power and a bit exposed to harbor wavers, but secure.  We cleared customs without any issues.  Wandered around town, it never changes.  Mom and dad decided to come in for dinner so we met them at the chinese restaurant and had a pleasant meal with them.  they looked pretty good considering what their health issues. 

Went out to the house and visited for a while on the 26th.  Again nothing changes, they have no interest in coming off island so no point in discussing it.

Crossed straits today on flat calm waters before the forecast 25 to 30 knots winds built.  Began to get windy about an hour out of Port Townsend and took the first spray of water on the fly bridge of the entire trip.  We docked at Ft Flagler for the night and the wind quickly increased to 30 + out of the SE.  It created quite a rough ride for a while with the 2 foot waves hitting us broadside at the dock.  I had to move No Debt to the other side of the dock it was so rough.  We did fine but it blew hard enough that one of the mooring buoys broke loose and floated to the dock.   Worst wind storm of the entire trip.

Uneventful run home today.  110 days, 3130 miles, 16 days of rain and one wind storm.  Not bad.  Good to be home.

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