Tuesday, July 16, 2013

7/16/13 We're in Pelican Alaska. Very cute place and the first place with Internet since Juneau. We spent 6 days in Glacier Bay. Very interesting place and once the sun came out it was spectacular. I think Tracy arm and Endicott Arm were better but this was well worth doing. After Glacier we moved west to Inian Cove were the wind blew all night, enough that by morning Glen and Pete who anchored independent of us had dragged half way across the bay. We left the next morning for elfin cove and were privileged to see an amazing display of dozens of whales feeding in Cross Sound. Stayed two nights in Mite Cove were Glen and I went fishing catching several pinks and two nice silvers. Fresh salmon for dinner last night. Right now were sitting in the cafe in Pelican having lunch and catching up on news and emails. On to Sitka via the outside route.

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