Wednesday, June 5, 2013

6/5/13 Rain. What else, were in Ketchikan. It has rained for the last two days and is raining hard this morning but there is blue sky to the north where were headed. Liz fly's out today for her conference so Dean has moved in with him on board Magic Moment leaving Pete and Linda. They have finished with the work they could do and now are at the mercy of the boat yard workers Pete has hired. They have the prop and shaft ready to install and are still working on the rudders. The fiberglass will take the longest so they are here at least another week. We did the tourist thing yesterday and the day before, got laundry and shopping done by running No Debt up to the other end of town so we did not have to walk so far in the rain. Water full, fuel full so were ready to cruise towards Wrangle where we will next have connectivity.

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