Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May 14, Day 6 and 7 We left Port Harvey and cruised slowly through Chatham Channel to Lagoon Cove in a hard rain. Kept going and found a spot to anchor near Mound Island in the Broughton Islands. Glen dropped his anchor and stern tied to shore and Steve and Michelle and Chris and I tied either side of him. By the time we got settled the weather calmed down and the rain let up considerably. Enough that Glen and I took out three crab pots and two shrimp pots. Caught one crab and about 2 dozen Shrimp of various sizes. this morning while setting up a fishing rod I looked up and there was a small Black bear on the beach about 50 feet way. Chris got lots of photos. Today, May 15th we left about 1000 and cruised up to Port McNeil where we met up with the rest of the group. My hot water heater was in so we picked it up and removed the old one and installed the new one in about 3 hours. Everything seems to be working. Tomorrow we head up to Bull Harbor to wait for better conditions to cross Queen Charlotte Straits. Thursday and Friday seem like the weather forecast is very favorable so wish us luck. Shoal Bay, stayed here day 3

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