Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 3

We are in Campbell River tonight. We anchored in Tribune bay on Hornsby Island halfway up the Georgia Strait from Nanaimo. The wind blew pretty hard and it took a while to get used to the noise of the wind blowing through the rigging. I don't have that issue on my boat so it sounded like the wind was a lot stronger than it actually was. It was hard enough that we were swinging pretty hard on the anchor and sleeping up front the noise of the anchor bridal straining was enough to keep me awake for a while. But the anchor held, we were still in the same place we started the night before and we were still afloat. The bay would not be a good place to be in a southeast wind but it was fine for the seasonal N and NW winds that are common this time of the year.
At 6 knots the run up the strait was two long days. We sailed a bit today with a 11 knot head wind and made about 6 knots. The current was running hard from Cape Mudge to Campbell river so we got a 4 knot push all the way to the marina. Tomorrow we buck the current for the first 8 miles to Seymour Narrows which we will pass through at high slack and then ride the Ebb tide north to Kelsey Bay.
All is going as planned, the crew is getting along well, The admiral, (sharps cat) has accepted the fact that I am now the occupant of the forward cabin not him.

1 comment:

Kim Nance said...

Great start, look forward to following the adventure.