Monday, April 4, 2011

Mt Bachelor Ski Trip

Were sitting in a great rental home in Sun River today for our annual Ski trip to Bachelor. Jeff and Fran, Steve and Michelle are staying with us while Glen and Liz are staying with Colliers at their place. Yesterday was a beautiful ski day, blue sky and the entire mountain was open. Unfortunately the day before it had been raining at the top and then froze solid. Their was 3 inches of new powder on top of heinious ice. The mountain website described the snow conditions as unpleasant. Under the trees the three inches were not quite enough to cover the frozen lumps of snow, it was kind of like skiing through a coral reef.

The groomed runs were good however and we had a good time skiing. We did try one run to the top and the traverse from the top into the bowl was one of the more terrifying traverses I have done. It was a high speed run across frozen Ice chunks with now way to turn or slow down. Once in the wind blown new snow it was a pretty nice powder run but the powder ended in these frozen ribs of ice interspersed with valleys of wind blown powder, not pleasant. We only did the top run one time.

Today were relaxing since it is blowing 35 mph at mid station and misting. Hopefully it will turn to snow and dump 10 inches new for tomorrow.

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