Friday, April 8, 2011

Bachelor 2011

Photos from our 2011 ski trip to Bachelor.
Nat and Linda Collier own a home in sun river and invited a bunch of us down to enjoy a few days of skiing. Sunday April 3, The first day was great, a little bit of new powder on old frozen crust but the weather was spectacular. We made one run to the top but the conditions were heinous on top. The traverse into the Bowl was one of the scariest I have ever done over frozen uneven surface on pretty steep slopes to reach the powder in the bowel. One run was all anyone was willing to try so we spent the remainder of the day skiing the trees down low. Next day was a bust, driving rain and wind all the way to the top so we stayed in Sun river. Took Jeff and Fran golfing with Steve and Michelle and had a great time.
Wednesday the 6th was the last day for the group and it was a good day of skiing, about 8 inches of fresh powder with moderate wind and limited visibility.

While everyone else left for home I stayed on for another couple days. It snowed solid for two whole days and on thursday Nat and Linda and I headed up thinking it was going to be a stormy day on the mountain. Much to our delight the sun was shining on the mountain and their was no wind. 2 feet of fresh powder on outback made for some spectacular skiing. Nat and I made one spectacular run down Cow face but our legs were worn out from the previoius days of skiing so we stayed low on the mmountain and skied the trees with Linda. We were toast by 3pm and headed for the car. We did 22,ooo vertical on Sunday, 29,000 on Wednesday and 18,ooo on thursday. Thursday's snow was by far some of the best skiing conditions I have ever had in the pacific northwest.

Others on the trip were Glen and Liz Dodge, Gary and Shirley Cummings, Dave and Mary Mehlum, Jim and Cheryl Matheson, Jeff and Fran Sharp and Steve and Michelle Nelson and their son Tyler joined us for Skiing on Sunday. Great times were had by all. Look forward to next year and more great snow.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Golf today

Today was a day of relaxation. Slow start to the morning, weather was not good for skiing and everyone bagged out on that plan. Ladies went shopping, our house when golfing. Found a really nice course, Lost tracks, no one was their so we had a great time teaching Fran and jeff how to golf.

tomorrow back to skiing, should be good with up to 8 inches of new forcast for tonight. With 25 dollar discount tickets we can't lose.

Dinner with the gang tonight at Gregs? Apparently one of the local favorite places.

Mt Bachelor Ski Trip

Were sitting in a great rental home in Sun River today for our annual Ski trip to Bachelor. Jeff and Fran, Steve and Michelle are staying with us while Glen and Liz are staying with Colliers at their place. Yesterday was a beautiful ski day, blue sky and the entire mountain was open. Unfortunately the day before it had been raining at the top and then froze solid. Their was 3 inches of new powder on top of heinious ice. The mountain website described the snow conditions as unpleasant. Under the trees the three inches were not quite enough to cover the frozen lumps of snow, it was kind of like skiing through a coral reef.

The groomed runs were good however and we had a good time skiing. We did try one run to the top and the traverse from the top into the bowl was one of the more terrifying traverses I have done. It was a high speed run across frozen Ice chunks with now way to turn or slow down. Once in the wind blown new snow it was a pretty nice powder run but the powder ended in these frozen ribs of ice interspersed with valleys of wind blown powder, not pleasant. We only did the top run one time.

Today were relaxing since it is blowing 35 mph at mid station and misting. Hopefully it will turn to snow and dump 10 inches new for tomorrow.