Saturday, August 1, 2009

Last night of vacation

This is our last night on the boat. Were in Coronet bay just inside Deception Pass at the state park float. We stayed at Fisherman bay yesteday after leaving the group in Garrison Bay. I manageed to catch 4 legal crab in Fishermens Bay after getting nothing in Garrison at all. No luck here at Coronet either. Oh well.

We had the outstation at Fisherman bay all to ourselves with everyone else from the club up at Roche. We biked down to the small town and the saturday public market and looked around. It is a nice little spot and one that we would return to if nothing else but for the crabbing. People were pulling full pots and throwing back legal crab to keep even bigger legal crab as their limit. Not bad. chicken is the secret.

We woke up this am to fog, thick fog and a bit of wind. I decided to head for Deception and go the inside route to avoid the fog. It was a bit interesting as we re entered the fog back half way across Rosario strait and there were no less than half dozen blips on the radar that we had to dodge and avoid as they came out of the pass towards us. We had em passing on the left and the right within a few hundre feet but between both of us keeping a keen lookout and watching the GPS and radar we did just fine. How in the world to they do this without the technology aids. It would be a whole lot more tense without radar or GPS. Loose either one and the difficulty goes way up.

Big crowd here at Deception pass, the dock if full of people all day with their crab pots out. Must have been 50 to 100 people on the dock most of the day.

This has been a great trip with near perfect weather and so far no major problems. lots of little ones, The outboard McGyver fix, the lost intercom, oh did if forget to tell you I dropped that overboard the first night at Sucia, the lost family service radio, the plugged raw water filter for the genset, three times, the lost lifejacket, oh did I forget to mention the good inflatable flipped out of the dinghy between roche and Garrison bay. Should have been wearing it and we would still have it if I had. Lets see, I think that sums up the little vexing things that went wrong but so far nock on wood, everything else is doing just fine.

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