Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday June 27th

Today was the family service for Chris's mother, she was laid to rest on a beautiful day at Haven of Rest in Gig Harbor with a view of the sound and the mountain. Very nice cerimony with just family present.
Tomorrow, Saturday we will have a party to celebrate 83 years of life. Should be a good party.
Sunday, I head back to the boat along with good friend and coworker Sherm Voiles who will help me get the boat to Sitka where we will meet Chris and Debbie who fly in on the 3rd.
Glen, let me know where you are if you can get this blog and if you are doing the outside route we still may be able to hook up with you to do that from Elfin Cove. By my calculations you should be doing Glacier Bay Friday, Saturday and Sunday and headed for Elfin cove on Monday. We would be a day behind you getting to Elfin Cove if we leave on Monday after getting the trim tab repaired. If we leave on Sunday afternoon we could probably meet you in Elfin cove on Monday.

1 comment:

Linda Collier and Mike Donigan said...

Hi Tom & Chris,

I'm so sorry for your loss. We've read every word of your blog and so kept you close in our thoughts and prayers. I've just set up my blog:, but not sure how to link it to you and Dodge's. Also where might we e-mail you our revised float plan? We're leaving a bit later & not going so far north.

Lot of love, Linda