July 22, 2009Left Bedwell harbor at low tide. Decided to go around rather than through the cut, supposed to be able to go through at any tide but its only 3 miles more to go around.
We pulled into Winter Cover which we have never been to with our boat. Apparently this is where they hold the Saturna Lamb Bake on July 1 every year for the last 50 years. I was here with my folks about that long ago for one of the first Lamb Bakes and this is nothing like I remember. Surly I would have remembered Boat pass but I don’t. We ran through by dink at peak flow, it was just like running a class 3 river rapid. Explored the outer islands and came back through Georgeson passage against a strong current. Amazing what 50 years does to memory and geography.
We have a beautiful view through Boat Pass right out across the Straits fo Georgia. Just amazing
July 21This is a tough life.
Chris and I are having a great time. Just the two of us and we have no plans, no destination, no agenda. We go when we want and where we want. Today we traveled a whole 4 miles in the big boat. We left Prevost Harbor at about 130 and ran four miles to Poets Cove. We decided to grab a park Buoy and hang out for the day.
Before we left we took the McGyver Dink and ran it through Johns pass over to Reid Harbor to check out the crowd and do a little exploring. We decided we liked Prevost better than Reid just because of the crowds and size. We checked out the south entrance to the harbor, I would not try that in the big boat, it has some nasty rocks in there and even in the dink I cut the corner too short coming back in and it got shallow quickly.
Check in through customs was quick and easy. All done by phone. You can tell Canada does not believe it could ever be the target of terrorism. They do little to prevent infiltration by a bad guy. Its highly unlikely they would be coming into Canada anyway. Once their in the US their staying.
We picked up fuel for the Dink, now that it can be run on a string I have run through a full tank of gas so it was time to top it off.
We grabbed an Ice cream and Chris grabbed a drink while I handled some business by phone. We then ran through the narrow cut between North and South Pender Islands. It is a manmade cut that is not very wide that connects Bedwell to Port Browning. We checked out the Port Browning marina and it is nice but not a place we will probably hang out at. It was not full, as we have found with most of the Marinas and anchorages. Maybe its just because its mid week but I have to think lots of boaters are not going out as far this year due to the economy.
July 20
Were in Prevost harbor tonight. We got up to strong winds in the bay at Sucia Island. I looked out over the straits and saw nothing but white caps so I thought we might sit tight for the day. Little did I know that I was looking at a rip tide and everywhere else it was just barely rippled. It seems like we are the center of every wind event and everywhere else is calm?
I had a brainstorm about the dink and decided to McGyver it. I disconnected the throttle linkage and hooked a 3 foot length of string to the throttle mechanism and ran the end up to the throttle lever and put a thumb loop in it. Now I can shift into gear and my moving my hand a few inches forward I can accelerate to full throttle and when I move it back a bit I slow down. Pretty cool, we went exploring the island and discovered there was no wind anywhere but our bay.
We decided to head for Stewart Island and after a short run on calm seas we grabbed a spot on the linier float. Plenty of room to anchor but why bother when it is just as easy to grab a secure moorage and since I have the park pass it’s free, or I guess its paid for, not really free.
Beautiful day and not too many folks here in the bay.
We ran the dink out to Turn Point Light house and found a secluded little beach to play on for a bit, it was private after all but no one was around and we did not find the private property sign until we got to the other side of the island.
Well, the control box got shipped today and should be in the office by Tuesday. The dilemma is what to do with it. I could ship it to Friday Harbor but that means another day down in the States. I think since the jury rig is working just fine I will head north into the gulf Islands and let Glen bring it up with him when he departs. That saves another overnight shipping charge.
Glen was also going to look for a couple new cables and so he could bring the whole shooting match with him when her comes. Will have to decide by tomorrow.
We are out of Verizon range, were roaming now and I am not going to run up a large bill this time around so the Blog stops till we get back in reception