Sunday, August 15, 2010

Liberty Bay

The weather forcast was for such good weather we scrapped all other plans and went down to the boat on Friday the 13th. got a late start after struggling in the heat to re install the alternator that i pulled out to make sure it was working correctly after having it rebuilt earlier this year. Wanted to make sure it was not the cause of the cooked battery. Apparently not but it had to be the hard one to get at. Lots of cursing. It finally was in and we were finally off for Illahee State Park and abundant crab. Picked a bouy up and dropped the new pot with good bait. Nothing worth keeping all night., Dropped it again next morning and as i was motoring away the float dissapeared under water, oops, dropped too deep. Lost the whole dang thing. Looked at low tide but I checked an it was in 120 feet and I only had 100 feet of line. Dumb luck for me, good luck for the crabs.

Headed on up to Liberty Bay just ahead of Steve and Michelle. Dropped anchor in a stiff breeze and hung out all day. Swimmine, cleaning the hull and drinking tall cool ones. met up with Jeff Edmonds and Colleen on their 42 Krogan at the Poulsbo Yacht Club where the moor. they just got back from an all day run from Lopez, had to cut their trip short for a family emergency. Bummer. Hope all goes well.
It was good to catch up with what they have been up to of late, we see them once or twice a year.

Chris suggested we stay out tonight since we have no home to return to with the floors all churned up and the furniture in storage. Why not?

Think we will head down to Gig and hang out for a couple of days. I could get to liking this live aboard thing,

Thursday, August 12, 2010

August 10, 2010

supposed to be really hot this weekend. Were headed out to beat the heat on the water. Meeting up with Steve and Michelle in Poulsbo, crabbing should be good.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Agate Pass

Were about home, blogging from the Bridge, were an hour from home port. It has been a great and relaxing three weeks. We were worried about Fog and wind and today their was none in the straits. Visibility was about 3 miles in all directions, the Fog never really materialized like it had for the last week. The first few miles were lumphy with us taking some spray onto the fly bridge due to the outgoing current against the wind from mosquito Pass to Lime Kiln Point. We had to slow down for a bit for the Killer Whales just south of the point. After than the waves smoothed out and it was a smooth run all the way to Port Townsend. i got intercepted by the Coast Guard as they were escorting a nuke Sub and My course was a bit too close for them, I was monitoring Channel 5 and missed the security warning on channel 16. No big deal I did a quick 90 degree turn and got outside the 1000 yard perimeter and all was forgiven. it was difficult to determine what was comming at us in the limited visibilithy and the sub was had to see as it was bracketed by two large shielding ships. About the time I saw the high speed ooasty headed my way is when I saw the conning tower and the sub inbetween.
Other than that it was an uneventful trip. took about 7 hours total run time.

Now its back to work for a few days then I am off to Ohio for four days. I hear it is hot and humid back there. Yuk!