Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 2009

We are having an unusually beautiful summer up here in Washington and I am bummed that I am not cruising north this year. Looking at the weather maps and listening to people who have been on Alaska cruises this spring the weather has been near perfect up there. I can only imagine cruising the inside passage under blue skys and warm weather.
I was so bummed my wife suggested that we spend more time on the boat even though I have to work every week. We have our yacht club outstation in tacoma just a few blocks from where I work that she reminded me that we can use for free and several reciprocal docks that we can use for nominal fee as well. So we did that this week. We took off late on Saturday and stopped at Illahee State Park for the evening. We have a park pass so that in affect was a free moorage for the night. NO one goes to Illahee for some reason but it is a quiet and seemingly remote location even though it is within minutes of the city of bremerton. Next day we headed down to Tacoma and moved into the outstation there at Dock street. We spent two glorious evenings there and it hardly seemed like I was actally working during the day. What a great idea. we went home last evening and I had to be reminded that it was Tuesday night not a Sunday. I am thinking we will be doing this a few times this summer.