Friday, March 28, 2008

30 days and counting

Were getting closer, only 30 days to go before we shove off.
Before we go we have to haul the boat and clean the hull, scrape the barnacles and double check the running gear. I probably should figure out what kind of props I have and order a spare set so if I do the unthinkable and hit something we can be back in service quickly since Glen will have his dive gear with him.
I have to put a new transducer in to use the new fishfinder and put a strainer over the raw water intake for the genset. It sucked in lots of eel grass last year in the san juans and we found out there was noting covering that intake port.
Other than that we should be about ready to go
Still have to build the awning once the canvas arrives from Seattle fabric but that should take a couple hours in an evening to sew it together.
Gotta keep Chris from loading too much stuff, she has a tendancy to overpack.
Hopefully the fickle weather will improve and start looking like spring. snowed the last three days here so maybe it will get the bad weather out of its system and we can look forward to a great dry and warm spring. OK, i am halucinating, but one can only hope.

Monday, March 10, 2008

50 days and counting

Lord, less than two months to go and tons of stuff to do.

The boat needed a good cleaning after a long wet winter but everything seemed to work and it looks like the leak in the forward head is finally gone. Cross our fingers.

Both engines started, that is a good thing considering the electrical glitch I found last week and fixed. The engines were cross wired at the factory. the port power switch gave power to the starboard engine and vice versa. there was also a loose connection that caused intermittant loss of power to the main breaker. Both were easy fixes once I found the problem

Installed the radar arch this weekend with the help of Glen and several others from the club who offered advise and some help. Looks great! the primary purpose is to extend the canvas top further back to cover the door for the anticipated wet weather up north.
Eventually we will transfer the radar and lighting from the mast to the arch but no time to do that before the trip north.
Next on the agenda is to haul it out for about four days, clean the bottom, remove all the barnacles if any and check the props. Need to find two spare ones.
Probably install a new depth sounder fish finder to augment the digital depth guage. Finding the shallow shelf or pinacle to drop an anchor on in some of the deep coves will require being able to see the bottom contour which I can't do with a digital readout.
Gotta change oil, change the secondary filters on the engines and the filters on the genset, clean the whole thing up a bit more and load it down with provisions and we should be ready to travel. Oh yea! Fuel it up. Prices keep going up, 3.66 this weekend, Guess I better run up to Brownsville this week and top it off before it gets to 4.00 a Gallon.